Bici da trekking/città

Magnic Microlights & Wega are ideal for use on trekking and city bikes - whether with classic side-pull brakes or disc brakes. Due to the small size and the minimal weight, the lamps are unnoticed but permanently in use. Surely you have already had the experience that many drivers underestimate the higher speeds, which again and again leads to dangerous situations. With Magnic Microlights & Wega, you'll stand out better on the road, even during the day, and you won't want to do without the extra safety anymore. Even when touring through dark forest areas or tunnel passages, Magnic Microlights/ Wega provide the necessary safety and are indispensable as soon as it gets dark. In contrast to battery lamps, with Magnic Microlights & Wega you no longer have to worry whether the light will last for the rest of the tour.
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