

Do the lamps work on all metal rims?

Yes, but aluminum rims are more suitable than steel rims and also achieve a higher level of efficiency.

Do the lamps work on full carbon wheels?

No - the generators require a conductive (metal) rim. However, carbon wheels with aluminum rims are well suited. We will also offer these in our web shop soon.

Do Wega lamps also work on wheels with rim brakes?

Yes - the Wega models were originally designed as a classic variant for bikes with disc brakes, but are suitable for almost all bikes. For bikes with larger rim brakes (Vbrake, Cantilever) or with high-profile rims, a greater distance between generator and headlight is required, which is easily achieved with the longer generator arms provided.



Do I need 2 front lights?

For STVZO-compliant lighting (as prescribed in Germany), 2 front lights must be attached to the left and right of the rim according to the instructions.

Do I need 2 rear lights?

For STVZO-compliant lighting (as prescribed in Germany), 2 rear lights must be attached to the left and right of the rim according to the instructions.

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