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EP2593351 - Status: Grant

Magnic Light Main Patent

Device for contactless current generation, specifically a bicycle dynamo, on a rotatable counter element in the form of a wheel rim, said device comprising at least one movably mounted rotor element (2) having at least one magnet (3), and comprising at least one coil (7) in which a current can be induced in at least one winding thereof by the magnet (3) which is moved by the rotor element (2), which current can be used to operate a consumer, the rotor element (2) being movable by magnetic interaction with the counter element (1), characterised in that the rotor element (2) and the counter element (1) have different axes and, in an operative position, the rotor element (2) is configured to generate at least one eddy-current-based magnetic field (6a, 6b) in which a conductive counter element (1), which forms an uninterrupted circular path, is formed such that by means of continuous relative movement between the counter element (2) and the rotor element (1), eddy current fields, which rotate continuously counter to one another and have magnetic fields (6a, 6b) having opposing poles, are induced in the counter element and the rotor element (2) is thus moved together with the counter element (1) to form an eddy current gearing.
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Approved - in the granting process                                        


By means of the system described, the use of eddy current generators on vehicles, especially bicycles, can be simplified by easier integration into standardized components such as brake pads, making them more suitable for everyday use. The problem of overcoming the magnetic holding forces at low speeds is essential for cyclists, as these would otherwise rule out the use of such systems in everyday traffic due to the lack of power generation when starting off at low speed. The integration into brake pads provides a significant advantage, as a new functionality is achieved without the need for additional components. The claimed additional functions for signalling contribute to increased traffic safety, especially for two-wheel traffic.
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