Magnic Microlights & Wega work without contact, but not without energy consumption. With less than 1 watt per lamp/generator, however, the effort is extremely low, so that even at high speeds there are hardly any losses worth mentioning. As a rule of thumb, you can add about 1-2 seconds of additional effort per lamp over 10km.
Magnic Microlights and Wega lamps have already been used for some time trials/bike races and larger night tours:
- Race Around Germany 2021
- German and European Championship Duathlon Alsdorf 2022 (Second fastest bike time AK50 over 60 km - 41 km/h)
- World Championship Duathlon Viborg/DK 2022 (3rd fastest bike time AK50 over 60 km)
- Brocken mountain time trial 2022 (1st place)
- Eisenberg mountain time trial 2022 (1st place)
- 220 km night drive Texel/NL 2023
- Cycle race 2023: Bilster Berg, Osnbrück,...
- German Duathlon Championship Alsdorf 2023
- German Road Championships Donaueschingen 2023

time trial with Wega

60 km with more than 41 km/h

220 km night ride through the Netherlands

on the Bilster Berg race track

on the Bilster Berg race track

time trial with Microlights

60 km with more than 41 km/h